Importance Of Flossing Confirmed By Study
24 November 2021
Posted by zhou
1 minute read
American scientists have published a study that shows the importance of flossing for dental health.
According to researchers at New York University, flossing can help to reduce the occurrence of bacteria that cause gum disease.
The scientists examined 51 sets of twins between the ages of 12 and 21. One of each set of twins brushed using a manual toothbrush for two weeks, while the other twins added flossing to their regime.
At the end of the two-week trial, the researchers found that twins who did not floss had significantly higher levels of bacteria linked with periodontal (gum) disease than those who flossed.
Dr Kenneth Kornman, the editor of the Journal of Periodontology, said that the study shows the impact flossing can have on oral health.
‘This study demonstrates that flossing can have an important and favourable impact on an individual, as compared to that of a non-flossing individual with similar genetics and possibly similar habits,’ he claimed.
Dr Kornman concluded: ‘Flossing may significantly reduce the amount of bad bacteria in the mouth.’