94-stone polar bear has broken tooth removed by very brave dentist
1 November 2021
Posted by Darryo
2 minute read
The pain must have been un-bear-able… but there were no boo-boos as this polar giant had a three-inch tooth pulled out.
Zoo keepers noticed Sisu had a sore mouth and was suffering with a broken tooth, which could have given the big guy a severe infection if left untreated.
They called in animal dentist Dr Peter Kertesz who performed an hour-long extraction on the 600kg (94st) bear at Yorkshire Wildlife Park in Doncaster.
He also created a new canine for the three-year-old who will now have a ‘perfectly functioning tooth for the rest of his life’
A lot of people were involved in the operation
Staff had feared the bad tooth could lead to an abscess before the procedure was carried out by Dr Kertesz, dental nurse Monika Mazurkiewicz and an anaesthetist.
‘It is wonderful that the keepers have been so observant and noticed this,’ Dr Kertesz said.
‘I was glad we operated swiftly because a broken tooth can lead to severe infection and be very painful.
Open wide! (Picture: Yorkshire Wildlife Park/SWNS
It was a standard procedure where we cleaned out the root canal and filled it. After the operation Sisu was standing very quickly but he was kept in his den to recover fully.’
He added: ‘Sisu will now have a pain and infection free tooth for the rest of his life.
‘After the operation, Sisu was standing very quickly, but he was kept in his den to recover fully.’